Wednesday, September 10, 2008

8 Random Things About Me

hi! my name is gcalcano here is 8 random facts about me

1)I love pizza

Pizza-----Douglas Adams The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul by mquest foto

2)My favorite animal is a puppy

and they call it puppy love by shutterblog

3)I love shoes

Pink Shoe Cake by dahliascakes

4)I love shopping
Havin FUN  shopping =P by ŏØ*'*§~Â7Lą~ÐąĻą3~§*'*Øŏ

5)I LOVE CANDY!!!!!!!!!

candy moasic! by snippy.snippy.crab.kristine.


Snickers fun size by サンドラ

7)I HATE fish
Conversations of 4 dying fish by La mirada de María...

8)when I came to new york I had to whach dora the explora because my mom made me even though I hated dora and still do
Dora the Explora by mandrews10