Thursday, March 24, 2011

3rd World farmer

1) What was life like as a 3rd World farmer?

 life as a 3rd world farmer was hard and very difficult. if you didn't farm correctly, your crops would die, you would lose money or a family member might die.

2) Explain your strategy to do well in this game.

 i would always leave about $15 between the years for yearly cost so that my family wouldn't die and i wouldn't have to depend completion on the crops

3) What ideas does 3rd World Farmer give you for designing your healthy eating game in Scratch?

 it gave me the idea to make a game where you would choose what to do each day and the next day you would get the results of what you did and how it effected your health

Friday, March 11, 2011


 1) Describe with as much detail as possible, what the detention centers are like (i.e., the bathrooms,
 medical facilities, cells, solitary confinement, etc.)

the detention centers are like death holes, its a very cruel way to get immigrants to leave the USA. first of all your beat and not given any medication. your could be seriously injured and they would not attend to you, one girl, had gone into labor and they did not let her use the bathroom unless she wore handcuffs.
 2) How did playing this game make you feel?

the game made me feel sad for those immigrants that are put into detention centers and killed or forced to sign papers to leave the USA and never return.
 3) What do you think the Unites States should do differently with their immigrants?

they should give them a chance to gain citizenship or give them a chance to take their case to court.

 4)  If you finished the game, what did you find out about Boubacar’s death?5)  Now that you’re officially a game designer, how would you improve this game?

boubacars death was unfair, he died because of the brutal torture happening in the detention center, the detention center tried to cover it up by saying the he died during a fall but in reality he died because of the inhuman behavior happening in the detention center.

i would improve the game by adding more facts and making the game a little bit longer.