Friday, May 6, 2011

Ayiti: The Cost of Life

1)  How is Ayiti different from 3rd World Farmer?  How is it the same?

ayiti is harder then 3rd world farmer and you haveto choose a living style. they are both about farming in poor living.

2) What strategies did you use? For example, did you combine work and school, or did you send everyone to work? Which worked? Which did  not?

i sent all of my people to work to gain money and every season, i sent someone new to school. it did not work and all of my family members died of bloody diarrhea.

3)  Why would parents choose to devote so much effort to sending their children to school?  What obstacles did you face in trying to keep them in school?

if you send your kids to school, they have better chances of work, they can get a diploma and they gain happiness. i order to keep then in school you had to work and gain money for the expensive and good school. when you ran out of money, your child could not go anymore.

4. What would the game “Lower East Side: The Cost of Life” look like?  What choices would your family have to make to be  happy, healthy, have money, and be well-educated.  What obstacles would stand in your way?

the game would look alot like ayiti only with the problems we face in the lower east side. the family will have to either go to school, work illegally, work legally, go hang out with a bad group of friends or stay home. obsticales would be cops, getting cought with drugs, rent, bad friends, weather, hobos asking for money, and food expenses.